What has really annoyed me in my psychology classes is ethics and I can find this is other practices as well. I believe in a utilitarian approach so I do not believe one life should outweigh many others. This would make research more reliable and easier to do. In the case of psychology that could be taking babies from birth to adult and continually monitoring them under different parenting techniques to determine personality and medically, taking one healthy persons organs to save 6 people but i also feel equity can contribute here by having bright minds and people who will change the world not be sacrificed and used for their helpfulness. This can also be applied by saving a person who will cure cancer which would save millions than saving thousands of people who won't contribute much to society. People who don't contribute to society or can't will either be allowed to leave or be humanely disposed of and used to contribute to society such as fertilizer. Because everyone who contributes will have basic rights such as housing, food and water, we need everyone to contribute.